Costa Salguero Exhibition Centerმიმდინარე და უახლოესი გამოფენები და ფორუმები ამ გამართვის ადგილში
 ავტოთარგმანის ბეტა ვერსია. თარგმნის ხარისხი შეიძლება არ იყოს კარგი |
| | ტექსტილი, ქსოვილები |
Costa Salguero Exhibition Center
EMITEX is one of the biggest exhibition for the textile & garment industry in Argentina. It will be functioning as the key platform for the information exchange and business cooperation all over the world. This is the 16th edition of the session and will be taking place at the Costa Salguero Exhibition Center.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:26 | ვრცლად... |
| | სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა |
Costa Salguero Exhibition Center
Fithep is designed to provide anyone interested in ice cream with the basics of ice cream composition, formulation, and processing. The event is being organized by Publitec which will be taking place between 13-17 June 2011.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:26 | ვრცლად... |
| | სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა |
Costa Salguero Exhibition Center
Fithep Mercosur Argentina is an international Fair of Technology for the Manufacture of Ice-Creams, Bakery, Confectionery, Chocolates, Pasta and Pizza and Products for Convenience Stores, It is designed to provide anyone interested in ice cream with the basics of ice cream composition, formulation, and processing. Ice cream composition, f
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:26 | ვრცლად... |
| | პლასტმასი და პლასტიკი |
Costa Salguero Exhibition Center
To carry out an open exhibition for all the world, which within the framework of a just regional integration, will allow the Argentine industry to show its development and at the same time nourish itself with the international offer to equip and increase its competitivity. Furthermore, Banpaku S.A. showed with this success that an excelle
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:26 | ვრცლად... |
| | მედია და რეკლამა |
Costa Salguero Exhibition Center
Exposign & Serifgrafia Argentina will be positioned as a premier show offering visitors opportunity to source for all their needs and see the latest technological developments in the SIGNAGE industry. The show will provide an unparalleled opportunity for the manufacturers and distributors to showcase their existing range and launch ne
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:27 | ვრცლად... |
| | ინსტრუმენტები |
Costa Salguero Exhibition Center
Organized by Messe Frankfurt GmbH at Costa Salguero Exhibition Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina, the EXPO FERRETERA is directed towards promoting development of the hardware and of the construction material sectors in throughout the world.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:27 | ვრცლად... |
| | შეფუთვა |
Costa Salguero Exhibition Center
ENVASE Expo is your opportunity to present your products and solutions live and in person to a dedicated buying audience. It is regarded as an essential event in the packaging industry calendar and international companies use it as a showcase for their latest product innovations. This exhibition will be held four days from 20 to 23 Sep, 2
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:27 | ვრცლად... |
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Costa Salguero Exhibition Center
Instituto Argentino Del Envase hosts the Alimentek at Costa Salguero Exhibition Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The event succeeds in attracting leading companies and entrepreneurs from throughout the world. Some of the exhibited products include Packaging Materials & Devices, Packaging Machines & Equipment, Packaging Systems, Re
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:27 | ვრცლად... |
| | მედიცინა და ფარმაცევტიკა |
Costa Salguero Exhibition Center
Expo Medical is the only show in Argentina where you will see a complete range of new and innovative products and services in medical technology and IT equipment, diagnostics, rehabilitation, nursing and consumer medicine.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:27 | ვრცლად... |
| | სპორტი, თამაშები და სათამაშოები |
Costa Salguero Exhibition Center
SAGSE Gaming & Amusement Buenos Aires enjoys the reputation of being the best and the most important trade show in the Latin American region. Ranking high on professionalism, this event promises excellent opportunities and showcases the latest innovations in the gaming and entertainment industry sector.
SAGSE Gaming & Amusement B
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:27 | ვრცლად... |