Indusmach East Africa | ![]() | სამრეწველო საქონელი | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
აღწერა:Indusmach East Africa is an International trade exhibition on industrial products, equipment & machinery. This is an 14th edition of the session which will be held at the Diamond Jubilee Hall Exhibition Centre. The exhibition attracts exhibitors from more than 20 countries and visitors from all over East & Central Africa, thus giving exhibitors an excellent opportunity to explore several countries in one time.პროფილი:Visitors: Key Personnnnel from all Industrial Related Industry Including: Manufacturing Community, CEOs, Engineer, Technocrats and Scientists Marketing Chiefs, Professionals & Consultants Policy makers, Diplomats and Commercial Corporations Industry Associations and Trade Delegations, Decision Makers & Techno- commercial personnel from Projects, Purchase, Production and maintenance, Departments from the Private and Public Sector.Exhibitors: Profile for exhibit include Machinery and machine tools, special purpose machines, CNC machines, cutting tools and accessories, Electricals and equipments for domestic and industrial applications, covering electrical fittings, motors, generators, lighting-indoor, outdoor and industrial, electrical equipments for construction, power control devices and accessories, instrumentation, switch gear and communication equipments, Automobile and allied services.
ორგანიზატორის პროფილი:მშენებლობა, თვლები და სამკაული, საჩუქრები და რეწვა, სამრეწველო საქონელი | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:11 | გამოფენები და ფორუმები » |