გაზის გამათბობელი. გაზზე მომუშავე ოთახის გამათბობლები

გამოფენები და ფორუმები

ინფორმაცია ღონისძიების ადგილის, ორგანიზატორის და მონაწილეების შესახებ
ავტოთარგმანის  ბეტა  ვერსია. თარგმნის ხარისხი შეიძლება არ იყოს კარგი

BusinessCem Moscow 

კატეგორია მშენებლობა  მშენებლობა 
გამართ. ადგილი:

Moscow President Hotel 



Moscow President Hotel
27-04-2011  29-04-2011


BusinessCem Moscow 2011 is one of the famous exhibitions organized on cement industry and the market. The event will showcase the latest products and equipments used for cement and related industry at one place. In the show more than 600 delegates will be participating from around 49 countries. The show will discuss about strategic, technical upgrading of the cement production at the modern stage of economic development of Russia. BusinessCem Moscow 2011 will provide the visitors with the latest developments and trends. The event attracts visitors and exhibitors from all over the world. This fair provides good opportunity to everyone who will be participating in the show.

Visitors: The visitors profile will be from suppliers, importer and exporter of cement products, construction machinery and equipments, construction and commercial vehicles, concrete, engineers, architects, cement and stone, tools and special systems. The government officials are also invited in the event to be a part of the BusinessCem Moscow 2011. The visitors will be getting a great opportunity to meet the high professionals and avail the facilities provided by the exhibitors.

Exhibitors: BusinessCem Moscow 2011 will invite exhibitors from all over the world. Experts, engineers, architects and many big personalities will become a part of the event. Different profiles will be there as there will be exhibition, seminar and conference. Some of the exhibitors will provide services like tools, equipments, cement, concrete, bricks, largest products and equipment for cement and related products and many others.

გაუზიარე სხვებს:



Russia, 127434 Moscow, PO box 96, Moscow, რუსეთი
Phone +(7)-+7 (499) 977 4968/?+7 (499) 977 4499   

ორგანიზატორის პროფილი:

სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა, მშენებლობა

განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:42 | გამოფენები და ფორუმები »

კონდიციონერი, კონდიციონერები, კონდიცირება - ჰავა


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