ინფორმაცია ღონისძიების ადგილის, ორგანიზატორის და მონაწილეების შესახებ
 ავტოთარგმანის ბეტა ვერსია. თარგმნის ხარისხი შეიძლება არ იყოს კარგი |
Chemistry Oil & Gas | | ქიმიკატები და საღებავები |
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გამართ. ადგილი: | | |
ქვეყანა: | |
მისამართი: | Belarus Exhibition Center |
თარიღი: | 22-05-2011 25-05-2011 |
კატეგორია: | |
Chemistry Oil & Gas exhibition will be to bring together the manufacturers and suppliers of process plant and equipment, for this growing industry, all under one roof. The exhibition will provide an excellent platform for service providers to showcase their products and services to decision makers from leading Chemical manufacturers.
Visitors: This exhibition will attract CEOs, Senior Representatives from Production, QC, R&D and Purchase Departments of the Process Industry, R&D organisations, Government Agencies, Consultants who would be interested in new and emerging technology for the Chemical Process Industry.
Exhibitors: Profile for exhibit includes Technology, raw materials & production of chemical products, Chemical reagents, special chemicals of little tonnage, Chemical fibres, chemical pesticides, Household chemical goods, Chemical & pharmaceutical products & preparations, Products of microbiological synthesis, petroleum, petroleum processing & gas industry, Maintenance of oil and gas deposits, transportation & storage of petroleum & gas products, Environmental protection, Safety engineering.
P. O. Box 34, Horki, ბელარუსი
ორგანიზატორის პროფილი:
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:29 | გამოფენები და ფორუმები »