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გამოფენები და ფორუმები » უკრაინა

უკრაინა - მიმდინარე და უახლოესი გამოფენები და ფორუმები ამ ქვეყანაში
ავტოთარგმანის  ბეტა  ვერსია. თარგმნის ხარისხი შეიძლება არ იყოს კარგი

Mirror of fashion Odessa 

კატეგორია მოდის აქსესუარები  მოდის აქსესუარები 



Odessa Sea Commercial Port Exhibition Complex


Mirror of fashion Odessa is a premier event catering to the beauty and cosmetology industry. Targeting at being the best platform for all beauty experts and beauty professionals this is the best place where one can exchange knowledge and enhance market prospects for their companies. Mirror of fashion Odessa is also the ideal place where
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:28 | ვრცლად...
Georgian marketplace sign up



კატეგორია სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა  სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა 



Acco International Exhibition Center


ALCO + SOFT presents an international range of products and services in the area of beverage and liquid food technology. The international jubilee exhibition of drinks industry Alco+Soft will be held in the Acco International Exhibition Center. The last 10 years Alco+Softexhibition has reflected all changes and trends of beverage market a
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:23 | ვრცლად...

Sweets Ukraine 

კატეგორია სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა  სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა 



Acco International Exhibition Center


Sweets Ukraine is the international communications and business platform for the entire confectionery industry. Exhibition 'Sweets' is the head place of meeting of Ukrainian confectionary industry specialists. Basic task of the exhibition is to contribute to advance of confectionery production, raw materials, ingredients, packin
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:23 | ვრცლად...

BuildTech Trade Fair 

კატეგორია მშენებლობა  მშენებლობა 



Kiev International Exhibition Centre (IEC)


BuildTech Trade Fair is and international exhibition for Constructions, road-building, mining and special-purpose machinery, equipment and technologies. This is the 9th edition of the session which will be held between 04-07 Oct, 2011 and it will provide best and comprehensive platform to meet all the professionals from related industry u
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:23 | ვრცლად...

FoodTech ProdMashExpo 

კატეგორია სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა  სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა 



Odessa Sea Commercial Port Exhibition Complex


FoodTech ProdMashExpo is a leading specialized exhibition in the South Ukrainian region with regard to the exposition of technologies and equipment for agricultural products' processing and food products' production, to the qunatity and composition of visiting stuff, to the efficacy of the business contacts and the richness of a
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:28 | ვრცლად...

FoodExpo - Odessa 

კატეგორია სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა  სოფლის მეურნეობა, მეტყევეობა 



Odessa Sea Commercial Port Exhibition Complex


FoodExpo is the international exhibition for Producers and distributors of foodstuffs, beverages, ingredients. FoodExpo will take place in the Exhibition Complex of Odessa Sea Commercial Port on October 05 - 07, 2011. The main aim of this exhibition is the demonstration of achievements of food and processing industries in Ukraine.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:28 | ვრცლად...

Trade Equipment 

კატეგორია ინსტრუმენტები  ინსტრუმენტები 



Odessa Sea Commercial Port Exhibition Complex


Thirteenth International Specialized Exhibition Trade Equipment will take place On October 5 - 7, 2011 at the Exhibition Complex of Odessa Sea Commercial Port . Trade Equipment is the biggest trade fair in Ukraine for Equipment for shops and sales areas, Furniture and equipment for cafes, bars, restaurants, Technological equipment for fas
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:28 | ვრცლად...

Tare & Packing 

კატეგორია შეფუთვა  შეფუთვა 



Odessa Sea Commercial Port Exhibition Complex


TARE AND PACKING is a leading specialized exhibition in South-Ukrainian region as to expositional presentation of technologies, equipment and materials for tare and packing production, to the number and qualitative composition of visitors, to the richness of the events. The exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Industrial Policy and
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:28 | ვრცლად...

Furniture Technologies Components Textiles 

კატეგორია ავეჯი  ავეჯი 



Kiev Expo Plaza Exhibition Center


Furniture Technologies, Components, Textiles is the most important specialized fair of supplies for the industrials of the wood sector and furniture manufacturers with a great machinery briefcase, equipment, raw materials, inputs and services.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:23 | ვრცლად...

Public Health 

კატეგორია მედიცინა და ფარმაცევტიკა  მედიცინა და ფარმაცევტიკა 



Kiev International Exhibition Centre (IEC)


Public Health exhibition is a leading in Ukraine and forth in Europe among similar exhibitions. It is the possibility to demonstrate novelties of worldwide production in medical field, to carry out the presentation of their company, to meet experts from all regions of Ukraine, to establish business contacts. The exhibition assists in prom
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 22:23 | ვრცლად...
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