გათბობის სისტემის პროექტირება და მონტაჟი, გაგრილება, ვენტილაცია, სანტექნიკა

Trade Shows and Forums

Colombian Association for the Advancement of Science

Current and upcoming Trade shows and forums of this organizer


Category Education & Training  Education & Training 



CORFERIAS International Business and Exhibition Center


Expociencia is one of the most well-known exhibitions focused on the areas of science, technology and education. Organized in the city of Bogota, this event calls for a convergence of public and private bodies working in the field of science, technology and education, with the aim of generating productivity and competitiveness of the coun
Posted by newsadmin | 10 May 2011, 20:36 | Read More...

გათბობის სისტემა, გათბობის სისტემის ონლაინ პროექტირება

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