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Trade Shows and Forums

Shenzhen Wen Global Solutions

Current and upcoming Trade shows and forums of this organizer

International Beverage Exposition & Competition 

Category Agriculture & Forest  Agriculture & Forest 



Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center


International Beverage Exposition & Competition(IBEC) will create an unparalleled opportunity for exhibitor to introduce beverage product into the Chinese market. The exhibition will be taking place between 14 to 16 July 2011 at the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center, which is being organized by Shenzhen Wen Global Solutions.
Posted by newsadmin | 10 May 2011, 20:35 | Read More...

გათბობა, გათბობის მასალები, გამათბობლები, გათბობის სისტემის მონტაჟი

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