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Trade Shows and Forums

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Security Canada East 

Category Industrial Goods  Industrial Goods 

Sheraton Laval Hotel 



Sheraton Laval Hotel
19-04-2011  20-04-2011

Industrial Goods 

Security Canada East is one of the enormous shows linked with the security industry. The show has been serving the industry for past 30 year. It is one of the largest expo in the eastern region of Canada. Basically the show is designed for the security companies either in terms of physical, electronic or information technology. In the show, discussion will be held on each and every aspect related to the security industry. As the Security Canada East is related to the security industry, a large number of the exhibitors and visitors linked with industry will participate from the different regions of Canada.

Visitors: Education seminars will be given to the participants.

Exhibitors: Security Canada East will be the most attended event, attracting thousands of visitors from all over the world. Visitors of the event will be related to Security industry professionals, traders, mechanical engineers and importer of the security products. The buyers and importers of the products and services of this industry will participate in the show as visitors. Apart from this the key decision makers of some renowned companies linked to this industry will also visit the event.


Canadian Security Association,CANASA 

50 Acadia Avenue, Suite 201, Markham, Canada
Phone +(+1)-(905)-5130622   

Organizer Profile:

Household Consumables, Industrial Goods, Industrial Goods, Industrial Goods, Medical & Pharmaceutical, Medical & Pharmaceutical, Sporting Goods, Games & Toys

Posted by newsadmin | 11 May 2011, 00:37 | Trade Shows and Forums »

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