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Address: | 800 Occidental Avenue, S. Ste 100, Seattle |
Date: | 14-09-2011 15-09-2011 |
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Omaha Products Show will be organized at the exhibition centre named as Qwest Convention Center & Exhibition Hall on 14th to 15th September in Omaha (U.S.A) .Approximately 50 of business industry leaders are supposed to be participating in this leading international fair and convention from across the world. Large number of peoples will be coming from different parts of the country as well as from abroad at Omaha Products Show. The participants will also get latest information about the goods & techniques which are being used in the field of management, engineering & construction industry and also get the expert advice how to improve the productivity of their business.
Visitors: Thousands of visitors will be gathering in Omaha Products Show from across the world and they will be able to know more about the products and services linked to architecture, construction and engineering industry. The buyers and importers of products and services of this business management and engineering industry will participate in the show as visitor. Apart for that the key decision makers of some renowned companies linked to this industry will also visit the show.
Exhibitors: A lot of Exhibitors will come in Omaha Products Show from different parts of the country as well as from abroad linked to equipment, management & technology. Contractors, Business owner, Production Office Management and the entire professional from Shipping & Material Handling industry will participate in this event as exhibitor. Apart from that the exhibitors who want to know about the latest material, office management tools are up coming in the market or who wants to update your self from the latest invention happen in their professionals industry will also participate in this show.
7015, Spring Street,, Nebraska, United States
Organizer Profile: