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International Great Beer Expo 

Category Food & Beverage  Food & Beverage 

Philadelphia Cruise Terminal 


PhiladelphiaUnited States

Philadelphia Cruise Terminal
04-06-2011  04-06-2011

Food & Beverage 

Second Annual International Great Beer Expo will be organized in Philadelphia Cruise Terminal at The Navy Yard on 4th June 2011. This is organized by Starfish Junction productions. Lot of exhibitors is supposed to be participating in this leading exhibition from across the world. International Great Beer Expo is not only for the professionals but also for the lovers of the Beer. The visitors get an opportunity to taste the different types of beer from different part of world in this exhibition. Varity of Beer will be shown in this beer show. Many seminars, presentations and exhibition will also be organized for the visitors to widen their knowledge.

Visitors: Thousands of visitors will be gather in International Great Beer Expo from the different parts of the country. Visitors also get chance to taste different and delicious beer. The buyers and importers of the product will participate in this exhibition. Visitors can also enjoy the lunch in the restaurant. Visitors can meet the famous personalities of the wine in this leading beer exhibition.

Exhibitors: A lot of visitors will participate in this International Great Beer Expo from different parts of the country such as shopkeepers, industries, and company and wine brands. Exhibitors get an opportunity to exhibits their best and different types of the wine. Exhibitors also give information about the beer to the visitors. Exhibitors give presentations and seminars to the visitors to widen their knowledge about the wine.


Starfish Junction Productions 

226 North Fehr Way Bay Shore, Ny 11706, Bay Shore, United States
Phone +(+1)-(631)-9407290   

Organizer Profile:

Food & Beverage, Food & Beverage

Posted by newsadmin | 11 May 2011, 00:04 | Trade Shows and Forums »

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