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Trade Shows and Forums

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Category Gems & Jewellery  Gems & Jewellery 

Las Vegas - Wynn Hotel 


Las VegasUnited States

Las Vegas - Wynn Hotel
02-06-2011  06-06-2011

Gems & Jewellery 


The Couture event that will be held in Wynn, Las Vegas from 2nd to 6th June this year is one of the top notch events to be held in the industry of jewelery designing. It is an event which sets the standards and expectations of the jewelery and designing market in the world. This event is going to be an unforgettable experience for all visitors and exhibitors. One of the unique aspects of the couture event is that it organizes best displays for its exhibitors to introduce their new products and services. The Couture uses the best technical advances of the industry to help them live up its ever high set of expectations.

Visitors: The Couture event will be beneficial for those who have interest in the new brands of jewelry and designing and the retailers from all over the world who wanted to source their products from international designers and wants to become couture jeweler. Apart from these future stars designer, stars manufactures are also among the main visitors of this event.

Exhibitors: The Couture event attracts 300 Couture jewelry retailers who are known for their progressive business and leadership mindset. In addition to it 4,000 retailers are also participating who wants to become a couture jeweler. The companies and institutions exhibiting in this event will be the top most companies related to the jewelry designs. Apart from these emerging stars, international designers and inspiring designers are going to grace the hall of this top most event .This event is going to give opportunity to the retailers to source their collections from more than 200 international designers.


Nielsen Business Media, USA 

1145 Sanctuary Parkway Suite 355, Alpharetta, United States
Phone +(1)-(646)-6548656   

Organizer Profile:

Apparel & Clothing, Apparel & Clothing, Apparel & Clothing, Apparel & Clothing, Apparel & Clothing, Apparel & Clothing, Architecture & Designing, Building Construction, Building Construction, Education & Training, Gems & Jewellery, Gems & Jewellery, Gems & Jewellery, Gems & Jewellery, Gifts & Handicrafts, Gifts & Handicrafts, Home Textiles, Household Consumables, Household Consumables, Industrial Goods, Industrial Goods, Industrial Goods, Media & Advertising, Media & Advertising, Media & Advertising, Media & Advertising, Media & Advertising, Travel & Tourism, Travel & Tourism

Posted by newsadmin | 10 May 2011, 23:36 | Trade Shows and Forums »

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