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Venue: | | |
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Address: | 777 Ward Avenue, Honolulu |
Date: | 10-06-2011 12-06-2011 |
Category: | |
Exhibitors: | 210+ | |
Home Garden & Remodeling Show presents the most extensive array of interior and exterior products & services for your current or new home. Home-building & designer industries gather here annually to offer the latest in home design. Better your home & garden by asking the experts.
Visitors: Professionals related to the field of Gardening, Home Exhibitions, Arboriculture, Horticulture, Landscaping Companies & Suppliers, Municipalities and Government Parks & Garden Departments are the target audience.
Exhibitors: Profile for exhibit includes Decorative greenery, Equipment for gardens, Hand and motor garden tools, Machines for grassland maintenance, Biological and chemical products, Glasshouses and equipment, Lighting and hydrotechnology, Construction elements for the garden, Flower growing requisites, Equipment for parks, children's playgrounds and kindergartens, Bee-keeping, Mushroom growing, Medical plants and macrobiotics etc.
1580, Makaloa Street, Suite 1200, Honolulu, United States
Organizer Profile: