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Address: | 405 Mero Street, Frankfort |
Date: | 12-11-2011 12-11-2011 |
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The Kentucky Book Fair is an innovative book writing affair involving readers, writers, authors and literature exponents. It is sponsored by Kentucky Historical Society, Advantage linen Inc, Kentucky department for library archives, Asbury University, Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial, Georgetown College, The state journal, Paul Sawyier, Joseph Beth Booksellers, The University Press of Kentucky, Kentucky Monthy, and Telling Kentucky story- Kentucky humanity Council. The main objective of this fair is to admire the writing profession by celebrating the day, along with raising money for schools and other public libraries through the sale of books. The fair also provides a unique layout for authors to directly meet their readers.
Visitors: This trade expo will be beneficial for those who are working and are interested to read and write books like: Store owners, writers, bloggers, journalists, artists, school teachers, parents, children, students, authors, amateur writers, creative writers, poets, publishing houses, and readers. The associations and organizations planning to develop writing relations with known authors can also visit the place and be a part of it.
Exhibitors: The Kentucky Book Fair provides a perfect blend of pleasure and exposure for its members. The companies exhibiting in this event would be the one who are associated with the top leading industries of market, like: publishing houses, book stores, book writers, authors, designers, encyclopedia makers, creative writers, photojournalists, bloggers, magazine journalists, and readers. All these together can come to experience the power of words. Readers can directly meet various famous authors and can also buy books for fundraising.
P. O. Box Box 715, Frankfort, United States
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