ცენტრალური გათბობა, გამოიძახეთ საქმეთა მწარმოებელი

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Vascular Annual Meeting 

Category Medical & Pharmaceutical  Medical & Pharmaceutical 

McCormick Place Convention Center 


ChicagoUnited States

2301 S. Lake Shore Drive, South Hall, Chicago
16-06-2011  18-06-2011

Medical & Pharmaceutical 

Vascular Annual Meeting is one of the famous events which focus on issues related to vascular diseases as well as their diagnosis. The primary motive of this event is to develop and implement balanced and relevant Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs that must enhance physician competence in patient care, physician performance, or patient outcomes in vascular health care. The event welcomes all the vascular, cardiothoracic, and general surgeons to get a track of ideas most recent information in vascular surgery from the industry experts. The experts will throe light on varieties of clinical and experimental studies, noninvasive diagnostic techniques, processes and vascular substitutes, micro-vascular surgical techniques, angiography, and endovascular management.

Coverage Area: 200000.6 Square Feet

Visitors: Some of the key highlighted points related to this event are as follows: Postgraduate courses. Plenary sessions. Poster competition. Rapid paced paper sessions. E. Stanley Crawford Critical Issues Forum. Exhibitor education/training pavilions. Networking opportunities.

Exhibitors: Thousands of visitors will be gather in Vascular Annual Meeting from across the world and they will be able to know more and more about the latest trends and advancement in the micro biology. Some of the most important visitors will be doctors, surgeons, Vascular disease professionals, general public, patients suffering from vascular diseases, higher management people, sponsors, press and media people, advertising people, learners etc. Apart from these the leading experts of the concerned field will also visit the show to share their experience and ideas.


Society for Vascular Surgery 

633 North Saint Clair Street, 22nd Floor, Chicago, United States
Phone +(+1)-(312)-3342300   

Organizer Profile:

Medical & Pharmaceutical, Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Agents

Posted by newsadmin | 10 May 2011, 23:16 | Trade Shows and Forums »

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