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Trade Shows and Forums

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Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishing Market 

Category Architecture & Designing  Architecture & Designing 

AmericasMart Atlanta 


AtlantaUnited States

240 Peachtree Street N.W., Suite 2200, Atlanta
13-07-2011  20-07-2011

Architecture & Designing 


Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishing Market Expo is one of the largest events held all over the world for wholesale gift and home furnishing companies. Traders from over 50 states of USA and over 90 countries from all over the world will be participating. The trade visitors visiting the event are generally importers, exporters, home centers, handicrafts, children's stores, gift & toy shops, hospital gifts, florists and gardeners, home furnishings, department stores, gift & decorative novelty stores etc. The exhibition leads out to be a meeting point for producers and manufacturers as well.
Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishing Market Expo 2011 will expect around half a million attendees throng the place in buying and selling the choicest of goods.

Coverage Area: 600,000 Square Feet

Visitors: Thousands of visitors will gather in Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishing Market Expo across the world and they will be able to know more about the products and services linked furnishing market. The buyers and retailer of products linked to this industry will participate in the show as visitor. Apart from that some of the important visitors are Home Furnishings, Bed and Bath Retailers, Arts and Crafts Stores, Department Stores and so many more visitors will participate in this event as visitors.

Exhibitors: A lot of exhibitors will participate in Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishing Market Expo from different parts of the country as well as abroad linked to furnishing market such as manufactures and distributes. Apart from that the other important exhibitors who will participate in this show such as Garments, Furniture, Tabletop, Linen & Textiles, Carpets, Rugs & Other Floor Coverings, Decorative Accessories, Stationery and so many more exhibitors will participate in this event as exhibitors.


AmericasMart Atlanta 

No. 240, Peachtree Street, Suite No. 2200, Atlanta, United States
Phone +(1)-(404)-2203000    Fax +(1)-(404)-2203030   

Organizer Profile:

Architecture & Designing, Gifts & Handicrafts, Gifts & Handicrafts, Media & Advertising

Posted by newsadmin | 10 May 2011, 23:07 | Trade Shows and Forums »

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