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Trade Shows and Forums

Trade event venue, organizer, exhibitors and visitors info

The Amarillo Farm & Ranch Show 

Category Agriculture & Forest  Agriculture & Forest 

Amarillo Civic Center 


AmarilloUnited States

401 S Buchanan St., Amarillo
29-11-2011  01-12-2011

Agriculture & Forest 

The Amarillo Farm& Ranch Show is one of the top notch events to be held in the industry related to the agriculture. The event is scheduled on 29th Nov to 1st Dec; 2011.The event will last for three days. The event will hold at Amarillo Civic Centre. The event will host top most companies related to the agriculture industry displaying their products line and latest technology to the visitors coming from all over the world.
The event Amarillo Farm& Ranch Show has an international appeal drawing people from all over the world. The event uses the best technical advances of the industry to help them to live up to its ever high set of expectations.

Coverage Area: 340,000 Square Feet

Visitors: Some of the main highlights of the event Amarillo Farm& Ranch Show are: + Educational seminars will run concurrently and CEU credits.

Exhibitors: The event The Amarillo Farm& Ranch Show will be beneficial for those who are working as wholesalers, mass retailers, nurseries, agricultural cooperatives, importers, agriculture shops, growers, dairy, poultry, floriculturist, horticulture and many more. Apart from that industry representative, authorities and the general public are also some of the other main visitors going to visit the event. The professionals linked to this industry will also visit the show.Trade Visitors - Professionals from agricultural, dairy, poultry, flowerticulture, horticulture related activities, Farmers, contractors, garden contractors, industry representatives, authorities and the general public are meeting each other.


Cygnus Business Media 

Cygnus Expositions, 801 Cliff Road E. #201, Burnsville, United States
Phone +(1)-(800)-8278009   

Organizer Profile:

Agriculture & Forest, Agriculture & Forest, Agriculture & Forest, Agriculture & Forest, Business Services, Gems & Jewellery, Gems & Jewellery, Industrial Goods, Industrial Goods, Industrial Goods, Plant & Machinery, Plant & Machinery, Plant & Machinery, Plant & Machinery, Railway, Shipping & Aviation, Railway, Shipping & Aviation, Railway, Shipping & Aviation

Posted by newsadmin | 10 May 2011, 23:06 | Trade Shows and Forums »

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