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Venue: | | |
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Address: | Storey's Way, Cambridge, CB3 0DS, Cambridge |
Date: | 27-09-2011 28-09-2011 |
Category: | |
Exhibitors: | 290 | |
RFID Europe 2011 is one of the most respected events in Europe. The event will provide a unique opportunity to meet all the professionals from related industries under one roof at Churchill College, Cambridge. A conference also will be held concurrently. This event is being organized by IDTechEx Ltd.
Visitors: The main highlight at RFID Europe 2011 will be:
+ Conference will run concurrently.
Exhibitors: The targeted visitors at RFID Europe 2011 will be vendors, professionals & users engaged in agriculture, asset & vehicle tracking, automobile immobilization, banking, finance, consulting, construction, insurance, government health care including pharmaceuticals, hospitality, telecommunications, transportation, utilities, warehousing etc.
Downing Park, Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Organizer Profile: