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Address: | Tishinskaya Sq. b.1, page 1, Moscow |
Date: | 22-04-2011 23-04-2011 |
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Golf Travel is one of the largest growing sectors of tourism and Russia is no exception with more people playing every year. As the economy in Russia improves, general tourism has expanded at a dramatic rate especially in the luxury travel segment.
Visitors: Golf enthusiasts, prospective Golfers, Industry leaders, exclusive travellers, show business personalities, the Golf Press & other related professionals are the target visitors.
Exhibitors: Exhibitors include National Tourism Boards, Regional Golf Tourism Offices, Golf Tour Operators, Golf Hotels & Resorts, Airlines/Private Charter, Golf enthusiasts, Car Rental Companies, Golf Clubs, Schools & Clinics, Universities offering Golf Management Studies, Property developers, superb market for Golf Villas, Specialised Golf Suppliers, Luxury Suppliers etc.
Luzshnetskaya Nab. 2/4 Bld.10, Office, Moscow, Russia
Organizer Profile: