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Address: | 4450-617 Leoda Palmeira , Porto |
Date: | 05-05-2011 08-05-2011 |
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EXPONOR - Porto International Fair will organize one more edition of NORMEDICA - Health Fair and AJUTEC - International Fair for Technical Aids and New Technologies for Handicapped People. It will be held at Feira International do Porto from 05 to 08 May 2011.
Coverage Area: 60,000 Square Meter
Visitors: Professionals like doctors, nurses, therapists and other health technicians are the target audience.
Exhibitors: Profile for exhibit include Telemedicine, Biomedicine, Radiology/ Scanning, Geriatrics, Dental Medicine / Oral health, Sleep Therapy, Work Medicine, Sport Medicine, Health Marketing.
Feira Internacionale do Porto, 4450, Leca da, Palmeira, Portugal
Organizer Profile: