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Venue: | | |
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Address: | TBA |
Date: | 22-10-2011 23-10-2011 |
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The European Islamic Commercial Exhibition (EICE) is an initiative designed to bring together businessmen, producers, importers, distributors and investors, both Muslim and European, where they can identify possible ways of cooperation and stimulate trade and mutual relationships in their respective fields in order to: Increase the visibility and the presence of Muslim products & services in European countries.
Visitors: Manufacturers, Importers/Exporters, Ministries, Chambers of Commerce, Publications and Magazines, Government Institutions, Trade Consulates, Hoteliers, Media.
Exhibitors: Dairy & Poultry products, Snacks & Ice-Cream, Halal Baby Foods, Agriculture Products, Bottled water and Bread, Processed & Canned Foods, Chocolates & Biscuits, Bakery Equipment, Chilling/Freezing Equipment, Storage Systems, Packaging Equipment, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Perfumes and deodorant, Islamic Bank & Financial Institutions, Takaful insurance, Shariah based companies, Islamic Banking & Finance Publications.
Av. De La Charmille, 12 1200, Brussels, Belgium
Organizer Profile: