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Address: | ul. Bytkowska 1B, Katowice |
Date: | 16-05-2012 18-05-2012 |
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Opton is an International trade fair for optoelectronics and photonics industry. This premier exhibition will focus on the world market for optical technologies and latest innovation. Being organized by International Katowice Fair Limited, the event will held between 16 to 18 May 2012.
Visitors: Visitor target group: exclusively representatives from research, the high-tech, laser and optoelectronics industries, those involved in medicine and technology, as well as physicists, chemists, doctors, engineers, systems designers, retail companies and service-providers.
Exhibitors: Profile for exhibit includes latest trends and commercial developments in optical engineering, remote sensing, materials and devices, signal and image processing, innovative optical technologies such as laser and optronics, optics, optical manufacturing technology, sensors, test and measurement and the application of this technology in production, laser medical and bio technology, imaging, optical measurement systems and illumination.
Ul. Bytkowska, Katowice, Poland
Organizer Profile: