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Art Brussels 

Category Gifts & Handicrafts  Gifts & Handicrafts 

Brussels Exhibition Centre 



Place de Belgique 1 BE, Brussels
28-04-2011  01-05-2011

Gifts & Handicrafts 


The Art Brussels is one of the top notch events to be held in the industry related to the art. The event will be scheduled on 28th April to 1st May; 2011.The event will last for four days. The event will display everything from painting to sculpture. One will able to learn expert strategies for pulling profits from the market .This event provides the overall information of the art in the broader perspective. Every year thousands of artist visit The Art Brussels to enhance their business and to get an idea and knowledge of the leading trends in the painting and art.

Coverage Area: 115,000 Square Meter

Visitors: Some of the main highlights of the Art Brussels are: VIP privilege program will be organized hosting 300 collectors from all over the world.

Exhibitors: Number of visitors will visit this event Art Brussels from all over the worlds. Some of the main visitors among them are artist, school children


Artexis Group 

Rue St. Lambert 135 Sint Lambertusstraat, Be-1200 Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
Phone +(32)-(2)-7401011    Fax +(32)-(2)-7401010   

Organizer Profile:

Agriculture & Forest, Agriculture & Forest, Agriculture & Forest, Agriculture & Forest, Architecture & Designing, Building Construction, Electronics & Electricals, Food & Beverage, Food & Beverage, Gifts & Handicrafts, Gifts & Handicrafts, Home Textiles, Household Services, Industrial Goods, Natural Stones, Real Estate Agents, Sporting Goods, Games & Toys

Posted by newsadmin | 10 May 2011, 20:29 | Trade Shows and Forums »

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