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Address: | Amman International Motor Show Center |
Date: | 03-05-2011 05-05-2011 |
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Jordan Electricity Generation & Power Exhibition(JOPOWER 2011) will focus on the entire spectrum of the various industries from power and production technology to generation processing pipelines, engineering, design and construction. This is one of the leading trade show in the region. The event is being organized by Sharqiyat Events.
Visitors: Regulators, decision makers, investors, engineers, experts, agents & distributors from throughout the kingdom and the entire middle east region are the target visitors.
Exhibitors: Profile for exhibit includes Gas & Steam Turbines, Boilers, Burners, Generators & Co-generators, Captive power plants, Lighting Equipment & Fittings, Street Lighting and Poles, DC Transmission Line, High Voltage Power Distribution & Over Head Line Transmission, Medium, High Voltage Substation, Transformers, Oil Immersed Transformers, Dry Transformers, UPS.
Post Box No. 950634, Amman, Jordan
Organizer Profile: