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Category Plant & Machinery  Plant & Machinery 

Belexpo Fairground 



14, Pobediteley Avenue, Minsk
17-05-2011  20-05-2011

Plant & Machinery 

BELPROMENERGO is an exhibition related to Energy-efficient and resource-saving technologies, equipment, constructions and materials in industry, power engineering, building, city and housing-municipal economy.Production of machine building and instrument-making industry.Informational technologies in industry and power engineering.The BELPROMENERGO (14-th International Exhibition) will be held between 17 to 20 May 2011 at Belexpo, Minsk.

Coverage Area: 83,500 Square Meter

Visitors: Professionals related to the field of Machine building, construction of equipment, instrument-making, Equipment and materials for atomic power engineering, Renewable energy and nonconventional power sources, Devices and systems of calculation and regulation of consumption of water, fuel, thermal and electric energy, Light equipment and sources of light, Resource-saving and energy-efficient materials, structures, technics and technologies, Equipment and materials for welding, cutting, forging. Manufacturing equipment and production tools sets.

Exhibitors: Profile for exhibit includes Technologies and equipment for intermediates by moulding method,forging, stamping, pressing, powder metallurgy methods, Mechanical storage equipment.Production of plastic details, non-metallic materials, and press compositions. Machining process equipment,Equipment, technologies, and materials for galvanic production, for plating from metals and alloys, polymers, oxides, composite materials, enamels, and epoxide compounds,Manufacturing equipment and production tools sets.


Expoforum Exhibition Company 

15, Chelyuskintsev Street, Minsk, Belarus
Phone +(375)-(17)-2912326/2998299   

Organizer Profile:

Architecture & Designing, Business Services, Furniture, Furniture, Industrial Goods, Industrial Goods, Industrial Goods, Industrial Goods, Office & School Supplies, Packaging, Packaging, Packaging, Packaging, Packaging, Plant & Machinery, Renewable Energy, Waste Management

Posted by newsadmin | 10 May 2011, 20:29 | Trade Shows and Forums »

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