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Address: | Le Meridien Stuttgart |
Date: | 08-12-2011 08-12-2011 |
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In the December of 2010, a show named as Juracon Stuttgart will be held in Stuttgart at the premises of Le Meridien Stuttgart. This event is organized once in a year. The event would begin on 8th of December and would end on the very same day. The event would be a job fair and will give a chance to the lawyers to go and to attend interviews of law firms as they would be there to hire lawyers for their law firms. The experienced lawyers would be there to share their experience with new law degree holders and to give them some tips about their career in Juracon Stuttgart.
Visitors: The Juracon Stuttgart will be a show that will bring a chance to the new lawyers and law degree holders to get selected with law firms and law organizations. The people who want to make their career in the field of law would be there to get in touch with seniors and experts of this field. The people who are directly or indirectly associated with this field would be there.
Exhibitors: The Juracon Stuttgart will be a show which will give a chance to the Law Firms & Law companies to search best one for their vacancies so the law companies and law firms would their professionals to the event to make sure they select the best one. The senior lawyers and experts of this field would be there to guide the new lawyers and law degree holders.
Senckenberganlage 10-12, Frankfurt, Germany
Organizer Profile: