გათბობის სისტემის პროექტირება და მონტაჟი, გაგრილება, ვენტილაცია, სანტექნიკა

Trade Shows and Forums

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Category Building Construction  Building Construction 

Messe Magdeburg 



Ausstellungs- und Tagungszentrum Tessenowstra
17-09-2011  18-09-2011

Building Construction 

The House Farm is one of the most famous and big shows for housing, flat and construction which will be organized on 17th to 18th September, 2011. There will be many exhibitions at this show and this exhibition will offer many things such as land for sale, hose flat and many more. A lot of exhibitors from across the world are expected to gather at this show to take participation for exhibition and also many visitors across the world will gather here on this show. This exhibition will be helpful for all the visitors who are interested to buy and sell their flat, house and land and also want to gather much important information about real estate sectors.

Visitors: A lot of visitors from country as well as from all over the world are expected to gather on the 2011 House Farm Show. All the visitors who will gather here can be sellers, purchasers and property dealer of all these exhibited land and property. Apart from that it is also expected that many professional and decision makers of property sector and also from some other sectors will come and visit here. The 2011 House Farm Show will be much helpful for all the visitors to access information by attending various conferences and exhibition which will take place during this show.

Exhibitors: A lot of exhibitors from real estate sectors will come to participate in the 2011 House Farm Show. These exhibitors can be from local as well as from all over the world. Apart from that there will be many other traders, buyers and several other contractors who are associated with the same sectors are expected to come here. All these exhibitors will offer house, flat, land, hose for rent and many more. Many exhibitors who will gather here at this show will get an excellent opportunity to meet many participants and this will be helpful for them to making of more and more customers and by that way they can expand their business worldwide.


Expotec Gmbh 

Markgrafenstrabe 12-14, Berlin, Germany
Phone +(+49)-(30)-229080 - 0   

Organizer Profile:

Apparel & Clothing, Building Construction, Business Services, Industrial Goods

Posted by newsadmin | 10 May 2011, 20:49 | Trade Shows and Forums »

გათბობის სისტემა, გათბობის სისტემის ონლაინ პროექტირება

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