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Address: | Beranovych 667, Praha 9 - Letnany, Prague |
Date: | 20-09-2011 24-09-2011 |
Category: | |
Sport Tech is an International Trade Fair of Sports Construction and Equipment, It will be held at Prague Exhibition Centre (PVA), Czech Republic. hosted by ABF a.s, Agents, suppliers and manufacturers of sporting goods, apparel and footwear Agents, suppliers will be targeting Distributors & retailers, Importers & exporters, Sports association & commission, Facilities & Services owner / provider, importers & exporters.
Visitors: Distributors & retailers, Importers & exporters, Sports association & commission, Facilities & Services owner / provider, importers & exporters of athletic apparel and t-shirts, bags and luggage, computer services and equipment, digital equipment, outerwear & General Public.
Exhibitors: Agents, suppliers and manufacturers of sporting goods, apparel and footwear Agents, suppliers and manufacturers of sports related goods and services.
Mimonska 645, Prague, Czech Republic
Organizer Profile: