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Venue: | | |
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Address: | Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacco |
Date: | 19-05-2011 21-05-2011 |
Category: | |
Exhibitors: | 120+ | |
AGRO DEL PACIFICO 2011 tradeshow, is a focused show that will bring you the opportunity to discover all the new products and services for the agricultural and animal farming sector. It is the perfect spot for your company to have the opportunity of doing business and making contacts in the most efficient way: face to face.
Visitors: Visitor profile includes Owners of cultivation fields or agricultural companies, General Managers, Purchasing managers, Agronomy, agricultural and food engineers, Farmers, Field directors, Entrepreneurs, associations and public entities, University professors and researchers, Agricultural investors in general.
Exhibitors: Profile for exhibit includes Agricultural machinery and equipment, Agrochemicals and fertilizers, Seeds, Tools, Fumigation companies, Professional services, Vehicles and transportation equipment, Packaging, Greenhouses and irrigation equipment, Software, Industrial safety, Cold rooms, Biological products, Water treatment, Logistics, Lab equipment, Meteorological stations.
B. L. V. D. Louis Schmidtlaan, 97, B-, Brussels, Belgium
Organizer Profile: