ინფორმაცია ღონისძიების ადგილის, ორგანიზატორის და მონაწილეების შესახებ
 ავტოთარგმანის ბეტა ვერსია. თარგმნის ხარისხი შეიძლება არ იყოს კარგი |
Mid Northern NSW Expo | | ბიზნეს მომსახურება |
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გამართ. ადგილი: | | |
ქვეყანა: | |
მისამართი: | C.ex Coffs |
თარიღი: | 03-06-2011 04-06-2011 |
კატეგორია: | |
მონაწილეები: | 18+ | |
Mid Northern NSW Expo is a unique event that aims to promote history, genealogy and heritage in the Central to Northern region of New South Wales in Australia. This one of the leading exhibitions that features the most well known family history societies, libraries, archives, museums that that takes the visitors to a memorable ride down their origin.
Mid Northern NSW Expo is a two day affair that includes in its agenda various presentation streams, workshops, and product demonstrations from the leaders and experts in this industry from across the nation, apart from the usual trade show and the exhibition. Having such a dynamic format, this event effectively covers all the major areas of interest thus contributing to its immense popularity.
Visitors: The highlights of the Mid Northern NSW Expo are:
+A major exhibition - including local and family history societies, libraries, archives, museums, product and service suppliers.
+ Presentations from leading experts from around Australia.
Exhibitors: Professionals, enthusiasts and students of history, genealogy and heritage fields will be zealously visiting the Mid Northern NSW Expo.
P. O. Box 675, Redfern, ავსტრალია
ორგანიზატორის პროფილი:
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:28 | გამოფენები და ფორუმები »