Brisbane Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo | მედიცინა და ფარმაცევტიკა | ||||||||||||||||||||||
აღწერა:Brisbane Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo is a one of a kind of an event where all the future mothers get expert advice on their pregnancy and parenting of the child in near future. In these days where time is money, this event brings forth an all comprehensive view on whatever new innovations are happening in the field of parenting. Thus it becomes informative and convenient saving your time and energy.Brisbane Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo and its organizers have topped the event with various fun activity and shopping discounts for all the parenting necessities. It is a day out with professional advisors and also with ones friends and families. One learns and has fun all in the same time. პროფილი:Visitors: Brisbane Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo would have all the future parents, smaller health organizations and child care institutions visiting the show.Exhibitors: Brisbane Pregnancy Babies & Childrens Expo Has the government health experts to health departments to all the support groups take part in the event as well as companies related to parenting and baby products take part in it.
ორგანიზატორის პროფილი:სამრეწველო საქონელი, მედიცინა და ფარმაცევტიკა, მედიცინა და ფარმაცევტიკა, მედიცინა და ფარმაცევტიკა | |||||||||||||||||||||||
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:27 | გამოფენები და ფორუმები » |