ინფორმაცია ღონისძიების ადგილის, ორგანიზატორის და მონაწილეების შესახებ
 ავტოთარგმანის ბეტა ვერსია. თარგმნის ხარისხი შეიძლება არ იყოს კარგი |
Wood & Bioenergy | | სამრეწველო საქონელი |
| | | |
გამართ. ადგილი: | | |
ქვეყანა: | |
მისამართი: | P.O.Box 166, Messukatu 10, Jyvaskyla |
თარიღი: | 07-09-2011 09-09-2011 |
კატეგორია: | |
Wood & Bio energy is the show with ample business opportunities and the best avenue to deal for the latest products and technologies available for all segments of the wood and wood-based product manufacturing industry. Joinery machinery, Machinery for the furniture industry, wood - based panels and veneered products, Machinery and lines will be targeting Manufacturers of Residential Furniture / Institutional Furniture, Manufacturers of Cabinetry, Counter tops, Drawers & Frames.
Coverage Area: 20,000 Square Meter
Visitors: Manufacturers of Residential Furniture / Institutional Furniture, Manufacturers of Cabinetry, Countertops, Drawers & Frames, Manufacturers of Building Materials such as Windows & Doors, Carpenters & Joineries, Interior Decorators, Primary / Secondary Wood Processors, Dealers / Distributors of Tooling, Hardware & Accessories, Dealers of Machinery, Timber / Veneer / MDF Boards etc.
Exhibitors: Profile for exhibit include Joinery machinery, Machinery for the furniture industry, wood - based panels and veneered products, Machinery and lines for finishing - handling equipment, woodworking tools, hand and portable power tools, Fittings and accessories, dust extraction equipment, Woodworking materials and consumables, Electrophoresis System, Mass Spectroscopes, Genomic Analysis-related Equipment, Cell Culture Related Products and Equipment.
40101, Messukatu 10, Jyvas, ფინეთი
ორგანიზატორის პროფილი:
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:39 | გამოფენები და ფორუმები »