ინფორმაცია ღონისძიების ადგილის, ორგანიზატორის და მონაწილეების შესახებ
 ავტოთარგმანის ბეტა ვერსია. თარგმნის ხარისხი შეიძლება არ იყოს კარგი |
International Exhibition of Public Works - SITP | | მშენებლობა |
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გამართ. ადგილი: | | |
ქვეყანა: | |
მისამართი: | Alger Palais des Expositions |
თარიღი: | 21-11-2011 24-11-2011 |
კატეგორია: | |
Exhibit Latest Technology in Building Construction Including all of its Supporting Industries. Participants will also receive country market briefings from Canada. Embassy officials as well as opportunities to meet with leading private sector experts. SITP will once more see the participation of many international and Algerian market leaders, including an official French Pavilion, organized by IMAG, Germany in cooperation with the French Embassy in Algiers.
Visitors: Trade Visitors only - Architects, Builders, Building Merchants, Building and Housing Institutes and Associations, Civil and Consulting Engineers, Financiers,
Government Departments, Land and Quantity Surveyors, Planners, Plumbers, Property Developers, Specifiers.
Exhibitors: Manufacturers of Access Control Systems, Adhesives, Bathroom Fittings, Building Cleaning, maintenance & security, Smartcard Technology, CCTV & Remote Monitoring Control Systems, Mining, Concrete, Doors and Windows, Metal Detectors, Fire & Gas Detection Equipment, Floor Finishes, Identification Systems, Interiors & Lighting, Locking Equipment, Marble & Granite Products, Rescue and Emergency Equipment, Security Doors, Shutters & Fencing, Security Glass & Screens, Wall and Ceiling Finishes.
AM Messesee-2,, Munich, გერმანია
ორგანიზატორის პროფილი:
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:26 | გამოფენები და ფორუმები »