გამოფენები და ფორუმები კატეგორიაში მოგზაურობა და ტურიზმი
 ავტოთარგმანის ბეტა ვერსია. თარგმნის ხარისხი შეიძლება არ იყოს კარგი |
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Yousufguda Indoor Stadium
TTF is India's leading exhibition for the travel & tourism industry. Since 1989,it provides an annual opportunity for organisations from India and abroad to showcase their products and services to a large cross section of the travel trade and consumers across major markets in India.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:56 | ვრცლად... |
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Yousufguda Indoor Stadium
Outbound Travel Mart(OTM)-Hyderabad is India's leading travel show with clear focus on outbound travel. It provides an annual opportunity for organizations from around the world to showcase their products to a large cross-section of travel trade industry and consumers, in all major outbound markets in India.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:56 | ვრცლად... |
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Neal S. Blaisdell Center
The Hawaii Lodging, Hospitality & Foodservice Expo was launched in 1995 as the Hawaii Hotel & Restaurant Expo and provides exhibitors immediate and direct access to Hawaii's largest and most important market. It is the only trade event serving Hawaii's entire lodging, hospitality and foodservice industry, the largest and
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 23:31 | ვრცლად... |
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Friedrichshafen Messegelande
European Outdoor Trade Fair is the best place to view the latest ranges of the latest outdoor accessories. It is A specialist show for private companies and public organisations whose activities are related to outdoor equipment,e.g. like backpacks, clothes, shoes, camping, textiles.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:46 | ვრცლად... |
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Netaji Indoor Stadium
TTF is India's leading exhibition for the travel & tourism industry. Since 1989,it provides an annual opportunity for organisations from India and abroad to showcase their products and services to a large cross section of the travel trade and consumers across major markets in India.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:57 | ვრცლად... |
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Netaji Indoor Stadium
Outbound Travel Mart(OTM)-Kolkata is India's leading travel show with clear focus on outbound travel. It provides an annual opportunity for organizations from around the world to showcase their products to a large cross-section of travel trade industry and consumers, in all major outbound markets in India.
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:57 | ვრცლად... |
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Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC)
The first of its kind to be held in South Africa, the Sports and Events Tourism Exchange will take place in Cape Town from the 27th
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:55 | ვრცლად... |
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Nanjing International Exhibition Center
Asia Outdoor Trade Fair is the best place to view the latest ranges of the latest outdoor accessories. It is A specialist show for private companies and public organizations whose activities are related to outdoor equipment,e.g. like backpacks, clothes, shoes, camping, textiles. This event is being organized by China Council For the Promo
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:33 | ვრცლად... |
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SM Megamall
International Tourism and Trade Expo 2011 has established itself as an annual premier exhibition for the travel, tourism and trade industry in the Philippines. It aims to promote market linkages with the player in the travel industry, trade buyers and investors. ITTE 2011 offer unlimited opportunities for everyone to Explore, Market &
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 21:32 | ვრცლად... |
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Pragati Maidan
WAVES Expo India will connect you with people all over the industry to help you develop new markets for your business and succeed in the FASTEST GROWING wet wellness industry in the world, WAVES POOL | SPA | BATH International Expo is Indias FIRST face-to-face platform to unite the wet wellness markets professionals, while providing the
განათავსა - newsadmin | 10 მაისი 2011, 20:59 | ვრცლად... |